Sadly, this church is now closed for worship. From Easter Sunday please join us at North and South Leith Parish Church in the Kirkgate for Sunday worship at 11am
Online Worship

21st March 2021

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Welcome, Call to Worship and Prayer of Approach

Adapted from Spill the Beans

Hymn 417 Now the green blade riseth

Scripture Readings Jeremiah 31: 31-34 and John 12: 20-33

Readers Eileen Njotu and Kedison Njotu

and Reflection We wish to see Jesus by Katherine Taylor

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

God of Love, Thank You for the new life You give us. Thank You for the people who love us and for all that makes our hearts sing.  Thank you for this day and that we may follow Jesus. Thank you for the time we have shared together in worship in spirit and for our closer connection to You.

God of Life, Thank you for those who have given up their lives for You through the ages and for the example of their trust in You. Thank you for  those who  risk their lives for others now  in the armed forces, in the police and rescue services for  fire , sea and mountain, in  hospitals and medical care, and in providing  all the things we need to live in food and transport.

 God of Creation,   thank You for the wonder of the world.  We pray for the health of the earth. We pray for the preparations for the climate change conference in Glasgow this year, for agreement between the nations and for action to protect the earth and all its creatures.  Lead us to change what we can in our own lives and keep us ever mindful of the beauty you have given us. Help us to live lightly on the earth as good teachers for our children.

God of Peace, We pray for those who risk all and give all in standing against violence, for protestors in Myanmar and in all places who stand fast against oppressive systems of power. May they know Your courage and Your strength and Your protection from harm.

Lord, we pray for our leaders in government and for all who have hard decisions to make today at work or at home and who struggle to know which way to go. Fill them with Your wisdom Lord and help them to move on, trusting that You are with them always.

Lord, we pray for those who suffering now, held fast on a cross of pain or grief, depression or addiction. We pray for those who are near to death.  May they know Your healing touch and the comfort of Your arms.

In silence, we lift our own prayers up to You, for ourselves, our families and our friends.

Lord in Your mercy,

Hear our prayer,


Hymn 458 At the Name of Jesus


May the Blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with us and with all those we love, now and for evermore.


Organ Concerto OP 7 No.5 Handel


Church Opening

All being well, the church building will open for worship again from Palm Sunday, 28th March at 11am.

The North Leith Holy Week Service is on Tuesday 30th March at 2pm.

You are very welcome.

Easter Flowers

We are celebrating Easter by brightening up the North Leith church railings with as many knitted or crocheted flowers as we can. We may even have enough to give away!  All kinds of flowers and leaves are welcome and can be dropped off at the church office between 10 and 12 on Tuesday 23rd or Friday 26thMarch or posted through the letterbox.  If you would like help with a pattern and wool please contact the church office.

Thank you to Eileen and Kedison Njotufor reading  and our organist Iain Mackinnon for his choice of voluntary.


Petts, John, 1914-1991. Christ Crucified and

Christ’s Agony in the Garden, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

Heart with Cross, 

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