Sadly, this church is now closed for worship. From Easter Sunday please join us at North and South Leith Parish Church in the Kirkgate for Sunday worship at 11am
Online Worship worship

24th March 2024

Final Sunday morning Worship

Online Worship worship

17th March 2024

Online Worship worship

17th September 2023

You can find a recording of this mornings joint worship on Towards our New Parish Website

Online Worship worship

16th July 2023

Towards our New Parish joint worship at Newhaven Church

Online Worship worship

Towards Our New Parish 18th June 2023

Online Worship worship

Towards Our New Parish 21st May 2023

Online Worship worship

14th May 2023

Minister:  Rev. John Tait
Organist:  Iain Mackinnon

Hands Across the Globe

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn  127  O worship the King, all glorious above

Prayers of Adoration, confession, supplication & the Lord’s Prayer

First Thoughts

Hymn  561  Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

Scripture readings:     Reader:  Gerry O’Neil

New Testament:  Acts 17:  22-31

Hymn 513  Courage, brother!  do not stumble

New Testament:  John  14:  15-21


Hymn  616  There’s a spirit in the air

Spoken Doxology

Praise God, the Source of life and birth;
praise God, the Word, who came to earth;
praise God the Spirit, holy flame:
all glory, honour to God’s name.

Prayer of Dedication

Prayer of Thanksgiving and for others

Hymn  622  We sing a love that sets all people free

Benediction and threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary – Postlude.  Christian H Rinck. (1770-1846)

Picture: Truthseeker08, Hands Across the Globe


Sunday Services: Next Sunday, 21 May, being the third Sunday of the month, will be the May joint service at 11am in South Leith church.
On the following Sunday, 28 May, we are back in North Leith church.

Christian Aid Week: Christian Aid week starts today. Please see Jimmy Hudson if you are able to help with delivery of CA envelopes to houses in the neighbourhood.

Give Pease a Chance!

Pigeon Peas – a hardy drought-resistant crop helping people in Malawi

Online Worship worship

7th May 2023

Minister: Rev. Matthew Bicket

Organist: Iain Mackinnon

Welcome and Intimations

Call to worship

God is in our midst, forming us to be God’s own people.
Though the way may be difficult, God will be with us.
We need not fear.
In the Lord we will take our refuge, for God is our strength.
Come to the Lord who will surround you with God’s own righteousness.
Lord, open our hearts and our spirits so that we may faithfully follow you.

Hymn  36  God is our refuge and our strength

Prayer of Approach (ending with Lord’s Prayer said by all)

With the young at heart

Hymn 522  The Church is wherever God’s people are praising

Scripture Readings:    Reader:  Scott Mackenzie

New Testament:  1 Peter 2:  2-10
                                 John 14:  1-14

Sermon      “Troubled hearts”

Hymn 603  For your gift of God the Spirit

Spoken Doxology
Praise God, the Source of life and birth
Praise God, the Word, who came to earth;
Praise God the Spirit, holy flame;
All glory, honour to God’s name.

Prayers for the World

Hymn 110  Glory be to God the Father

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary – Prelude in D   JS Anderson   (1853-1945)


Sunday Services: Next Sunday, 14 May, our Locum Minister, Rev. John Tait, will be back us.   The following Sunday, 21 May, will be our Joint Service at 11 am in South Leith church.

Care Home Services: The next service at Trinity House Care Home in Craighall Road will be on Tuesday, 9 May at 2.30 pm.   Please come along if you are able to visit the residents.

Kirk Session:
The Session will meet on Wednesday, 10 May at 7.30pm in the Session House.

Leith Churches Together: The next lunch-time service will be in the Quiet Space at South Leith church halls in Henderson Street on Thursday 11 May at 1pm. Remember to bring your lunch to continue in fellowship together after the service (tea/coffee will be provided).

Anonymous. Christ as The Way, The Truth, The Life, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

Online Worship worship

30th April 2023

Minister: Rev. John Tait

Organist: Iain Mackinnon

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn 130  Ye servants of God

Prayer of Approach and Lord’s Prayer

Scripture Readings:              Reader:  Beryl Curlett
Old Testament:  Psalm  100

Hymn 14  The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want   (Tune:  Crimond)

New Testament Reading:  John 10: 1-10

Hymn  355  You Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd


Spoken Doxology  
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host,
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Dedication of Offering

Prayers for the World

Communion Hymn 19  Ye gates lift up your heads on high

Sacrament of Communion

During Thanksgiving Prayer:
All:    Holy, holy, holy Lord,
          God of power and might,
          heaven and earth are full of your glory. 
          Hosanna in the highest.
          Blessed is he who comes
          in the name of the Lord.
          Hosanna in the highest.

Hymn 419  Thine be the glory

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary – Et Vitam Venturi   Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)


Sunday Services: Next Sunday, 7 May, we welcome Rev. Matthew Bicket to lead our worship again.  (Matthew was with us at the beginning of February and if you were there you will remember receiving a sachet of salt to take home after the service.)
Our Locum Minister, Rev. John Tait, will be back with us the following Sunday, 14 May.  The next joint service will be on 21st May at 11am in South Leith church.

Care Home Services: The next service at Trinity House Care Home in Craighall Road will be on Tuesday, 9 May at 2.30 pm.   If you are able to help with these short services, even on an occasional basis, please speak to John Tait or the Session Clerk.

Leith Churches Together: The May lunchtime service will be on Thursday 10th May at 1pm at South Leith church. Tea/coffee is available after worship but remember to bring your own lunch food.

Session Meeting: The next Kirk Session Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10th May at 7.30pm in the Session House.

CHRSTIAN AID WEEK – 14th to 20th May: As in the past two years we will be conducting a delivery only collection with households taking responsibility to return the envelope if they wish to make a donation.
To make things easier we will only deliver to homes that have an easily accessible letter box.
If you would be willing to deliver 100 or so to a street or two in the parish please speak to Margot or myself or email me at

Many thanks
Jimmy Hudson

Lost Property: A ring was found in the church earlier this month.   If you know anything about this please see the Session Clerk.

Message from Pauline Robertson (reprinted for those who were not able to attend last Sunday)

I´ve got an update regarding the future of the Sailors´ Society
and my appointment.
The society has made the difficult decision to cease `face to
face´ chaplaincy, globally. This is to concentrate on online digital
platforms for support for seafarers. Sadly the funding is just not
there anymore.
This means my appointment ends at the beginning of June, and so do the
wonderful ship visitor volunteers.

LCT and the society have a long history and been great contributors/
support to the chaplaincy over the years. I have personally
appreciated the Christmas appeals that have been so successful as
congregations have `been there´ for the seafarers and contributed
so much.
It´s been an honour to serve the seafarers and walk with them, even
for a short time.

I ask if this news can be intimated to the congregations, along
with a huge thank you for all the support they have provided over my
nearly eight years and before for Tim.

Blessings     Pauline Robertson DCS

Online Worship worship

23rd April 2023

Minister:  Rev. John Tait
Organist:  Iain Mackinnon

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn  113  God the Father of Creation

Prayers of Adoration, confession, supplication & the Lord’s Prayer

First Thoughts

Hymn  272  Father of peace and God of love

Scripture readings:                Reader:  Elsie Emanbi Njotu

Old Testament:  Psalm 34:  1-10

Hymn 352  O for a thousand tongues, to sing

New Testament:  Luke  24:  13-35


Hymn  424  Blest be the everlasting God

Spoken Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host,
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Prayer of dedication

Prayer of Thanksgiving & for others

Hymn  551  In heavenly love abiding

Benediction and threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary – March from the Occasional Overture   GF Handel   (1685-1759)


Sunday Services: Next Sunday 30 April our service will again be in North Leith church and we will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion.
The next joint service will be on 21st May in South Leith church.

Care Home Services: The next service at Trinity House Care Home in Craighall Road will be on Tuesday 9 May at 2.30 pm.   If you are able to help with these short services, even on an occasional basis, please speak to John Tait or the Session Clerk.

Leith Festival Tea Tent: We are still looking for volunteers to help on Saturday 10th June at the Leith Festival tea tent which is run by the Church of Scotland Leith Churches.

We require people for the following duties:-

  • Transport tables and chairs before 8.30am and after 4pm
  • Help set up from 8.30am and clear up after 4pm
  • Be on the stall from 9.30am until 4pm
  • Supply home baking
  • Help make the filled roll

If you can help in any way please contact Michelle Doig

Message from Pauline Robertson


I´ve got an update regarding the future of the Sailors´ Society and my appointment.

The society has made the difficult decision to cease `face to face´ chaplaincy, globally. This is to concentrate on online digital platforms for support for seafarers. Sadly the funding is just not there anymore.

This means my appointment ends at the beginning of June, and so do the wonderful ship visitor volunteers.

LCT and the society have a long history and been great contributors/
support to the chaplaincy over the years. I have personally appreciated the Christmas appeals that have been so successful as congregations have `been there´ for the seafarers and contributed so much.

It’s been an honour to serve the seafarers and walk with them, even for a short time.

I ask if this news can be intimated to the congregations, along with a huge thank you for all the support they have provided over my nearly eight years and before for Tim.

Blessings    Pauline Robertson DCS