Sadly, this church is now closed for worship. From Easter Sunday please join us at North and South Leith Parish Church in the Kirkgate for Sunday worship at 11am
Advent & Christmas Online Worship worship

25th December 2022

Christmas Day

Service led by:  Tim Bell

Organist: John Riley

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light.
For to us a child is born
to us a Son is given.
His name will be called Wonderful counsellor, mighty God
the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth.
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
he has come to his people and set them free.
Light has sprung up for the righteous
and joyful gladness for those who are true-hearted.
Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth.

Lighting of the Fifth Candle   

Hymn  284  Hope is a candle         (Tune:  Galloway Tam)

Gathering and the Lord’s Prayer     Niall Martin

Hymn:    Hills of the north rejoice   Tune:  Little Cornard)

1 Hills of the North, rejoice,
river and mountain-spring,
hark to the advent voice;
valley and lowland, sing. Christ comes in righteousness and love
he brings salvation from above.

2 Isles of the Southern seas
sing to the listening earth,
carry on every breeze
hope of a world’s new birth:
In Christ shall all be made anew,
his word is sure, his promise true.

3 Lands of the East, arise,
he is your brightest morn,
greet him with joyous eyes,
praise shall his path adorn:
your seers have longed to know their Lord;
to you he comes, the final word.

4 Shores of the utmost West,
lands of the setting sun,
welcome the heavenly guest
in whom the dawn has come:
he brings a never-ending light
who triumphed o’er our darkest night.

5 Shout, as you journey home,
songs be in every mouth,
lo, from the North they come,
from East and West and South:
in Jesus all shall find their rest,
in him the universe be blest.

First Thoughts

Scripture Readings:  Reader:  Jimmy Hudson

Old Testament Reading:  Isaiah 11: 1-9  The branch of Jesse
New Testament Reading:  Luke  2:  1-20
  The birth of Jesus

Hymn 324  Angels from the realms of glory  (Tune:  Iris)

Christmas Reflections

Hymn 313 See! in yonder manger low  (Tune: Humility) 

Dedication of the Offerings

Prayers for the World

Hymn 306 O come, all ye faithful  (Tune:  Adeste Fidelis)

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary


Sunday Services: We are grateful to Tim Bell for leading our Christmas Day service today.

Next Sunday, 1 January 2023, there will not be a service in North Leith church. You are very welcome to attend the service at Newhaven (10:30) or South Leith (11.00).
The next service at North Leith will be at 11.00 as usual on Sunday 8 January.

Christmas Appeal: The Kirk Session has chosen the Red Cross Afghanistan Crisis Appeal to benefit from our ‘away’ Christmas appeal this year.
The appeal will be open through December and into early January.
(For individual anonymous donations up to £30, tax can be claimed through the Gift Aid small donations scheme, if you are giving over £30 please use a gift aid envelope if you can.)

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