Sadly, this church is now closed for worship. From Easter Sunday please join us at North and South Leith Parish Church in the Kirkgate for Sunday worship at 11am
Online Worship worship

26th June 2022

Worship led by:

Rev. Iain May BSc. MBA BD, South Leith
Rev. Dr Jessie Fubara-Manuel, Associate Minister, South Leith
Karen McKay, Interim Moderator, North Leith


Organist – Iain Mackinnon, North Leith

Choir and Music Group of South Leith Parish Church
and Newhaven Church

Where are we heading?

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

HYMN 198: Let us build a house

Prayer of Adoration and Confession – John Hodge, Newhaven

READING: Psalm 77: 1-2; 11-20 and Luke 9: 51-62 – Karen McKay

HYMN 362: Heaven shall not wait

       Prayers for Others and Dedication – Rev. Dr Jessie Fubara-Manuel,

HYMN 543: Christ be our light!

                                        Sermon – Rev. Iain May

Sacrament of Holy Communion

COMMUNION HYMN 656: I come with joy, a child of God

                                             Communion Responses

M: The  Lord  be with you
All: And also with you
M: Lift up your hearts
All: We lift them to the  Lord
M: Let us give thanks to the  Lord  our God
All: It is right to give our thanks and praise  

Holy, holy, holy,  Lord God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest Blessed is he who comes In the name of the  Lord Hosanna in the highest
M: Jesus, Lamb of God,
All:  have mercy on us
M: Jesus, bearer of our sins,
All:  have mercy on us M: Jesus, redeemer of the world,
All: grant us peace    

HYMN 465: Be thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart


Postlude et Resurrexit  (WA Mozart (1756-1791))


New Parish Steering Group –There will be a meeting immediately after our joint worship today.  

North Leith Parish Church
Morning Worship – Next week will be led by Rev. Dr Jessie Fubara-Manuel, Associate Minister, South Leith

South Leith Parish Church
Kirk Session Meeting – Elders are reminded that the next Kirk Session meeting will take place on Tuesday, 28th June at 7 pm in the Mackenzie Hall.  

Summer Sunday Services during July and August – Please note that our Sunday Services in July and August will begin at 10.30 am.  

Weekend away September 2022 – there is an opportunity to join with North Leith and Newhaven churches on a weekend away to Castle Douglas on 16th to 18th September.  Cost is approximately £100, which includes accommodation and meals. If you would like further information please speak to either the Minister or Anne Rutherford.  

Leith Churches Holiday Club
4th to 8th July – please remember the children and adults in your prayers.
Online Worship worship

19th June 2022

Unfortunately there is no recording

Leader: Rev Ron Smith

Organist: Iain Mackinnon

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Lord, on this journey of life, you teach us and want us to grow
Let us praise God together
When we find ourselves lost or lonely, you welcome us and nurture us
Let us praise God together
When we feel imprisoned by walls of routine and stress, you show us the door of liberty
Let us praise God together
When it feels like you have forgotten us, you give us courage and inner peace
Let us praise God together
You hold us in the palm of your hand and foster our growth in love and service
O come, let us rejoice and praise the Lord our God

Hymn 160 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven

Prayer of Approach and the Lord’s Prayer

First thought

Hymn 231 For the fruits of all creation

Scripture Readings:     Reader:  Stewart Lowe

Psalm 92, v1-4, 12-15
Ezekiel 17, v22-24
Mark 4, v26-34


Hymn 251 I, the Lord of sea and sky

Spoken Doxology 

To God the Father, God the Son
and God the Spirit, praise be done:
may Christ the Lord upon us pour
the Spirit’s gift for evermore.

Dedication of the Offering

Prayers for the World

HYMN 336 Christ is our light! the bright and morning star

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Tissot, James, 1836-1902. Sower, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. 


Sunday Services – We are pleased to welcome Rev Ron Smith to lead our worship today.
Next Sunday, 26 June, will be our next joint service with Newhaven and South Leith when we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion here at North Leith. The service will start at 11.00.

Online Worship worship

5th June 2022


Leaders: Rev. Dr Jessie Fubara-Manuel

Organist: Iain Mackinnon

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship (Psalm 67)

May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us –
so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations
May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth.

May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
May God bless us still,
so that all the ends of the earth will fear him

Hymn 598 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire

Prayer of Approach and the Lord’s Prayer (said by all)

First thought

Hymn 594 Come, Holy Spirit, come! – don’t have copyright for this hymn

Scripture Readings:     Reader:  Eileen and Kedison Njotu

Old Testament: Psalm 104, v24-34
New Testament: Acts 2, v1-21


Hymn 608 Spirit of truth and grace – don’t have copyright for this hymn

Spoken Doxology 

To God the Father, God the Son
and God the Spirit, praise be done:
may Christ the Lord upon us pour
the Spirit’s gift for evermore.

Dedication of the Offering

Prayers for the World

HYMN 561 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

Benediction and Threefold Amen

National Anthem

Closing Voluntary – March from “The Occasional Oratorio “.      GF Handel (1685-1759)


Sunday Services – We are pleased to welcome Rev Dr Jessie Fubara-Manuel to lead our worship today.
Next Sunday, 12 June, as part of Leith Festival, we are all invited to join in the ecumenical service at St Mary’s Star of the Sea at 11:30
(no service at North Leith that day).
We look forward to worshipping together as Christ’s body in Leith and welcome all those who wish to join us. 

Leith Churches Together Lunchtime service – The next lunchtime service takes place this Thursday, 9 June, in South Leith Halls at 1pm. All welcome. Remember to bring your own food for lunch after the service.

Songs of Praise
Songs of Praise is coming to Canongate Kirk for a music recording of hymns on Friday 10th June, 18:30-21:30. To book your FREE tickets please contact or call 07734 030 888.

Online Worship worship

29th May 2022

Ascension Sunday

Leaders: Rev. Iain May and Tim Linford

Organist: Iain Mackinnon


Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

Hymn 459: Crown him with many crowns

Prayer of Approach and the Lord’s Prayer (said by all)

First thought

Hymn 470: Jesus shall reign where’er the sun

Scripture Readings:     Psalm 47 and Luke 24: 44-53 Gerry O’Neil


Hymn 531: My Jesus, my Saviour

Spoken Doxology   (all stand)

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
the God whom we adore,
be glory, as it was, and is,
and shall be evermore.

Dedication of the Offering

Prayers for the World (all sit)

Hymn 436: Christ triumphant, ever reigning

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary: Praise his awful name.   Louis Spohr (1784-1859)

Picture: Vaughan, Joanna. Ascension, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved May 23, 2022]. Original source:


We are pleased to welcome Rev Iain May and Tim Linford to lead our worship today.
Ebenezer UF church in Bangor Road will be resuming their annual Songs of Praise service for Christian Aid this evening at 6:30.  All welcome.

Leith Churches Together Lunchtime service: The next lunchtime service is due to take place on Thursday 9 June at South Leith at 1pm. All welcome. Remember to bring your own food for lunch after the service.

On Sunday 12 June, as part of Leith Festival, we are all invited to join in the ecumenical service at St Mary’s Star of the Sea at 11:30
(no service at North Leith that day).

Leith Festival Gala Day: To let you know, it has not proved possible to have sufficient volunteers to organise a tea-tent on Saturday 11 June.
The Foodbank, however, will have a stall, as will some individual churches.

Online Worship worship

22nd May 2022

Joint worship with Newhaven Church and South Leith Church at Newhaven Church. Unfortunately there is no recording of the worship.

Online Worship worship

15th May 2022

Christian Aid Week

Leader:  Jimmy Hudson

Organist: Graeme Brownlee

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

‘On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.’ (Revelation 22:2)

Let us come to the river
and be like trees planted by streams of water,
putting our roots down deep into God’s word,
bearing good fruit that will last
not withering from fatigue,
stretching out to receive
and be a source of healing.

Hymn 124  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation

Opening prayer

First thought

Hymn 685  For everyone born, a place at the table

Scripture Readings:     Reader:  Shirley Hopkins

Exodus 16: 1-5, 27-32
Matthew 7:  7-12
John 6:  25-39


Hymn 543  Longing for light, we wait in darkness

Spoken Doxology  

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
the God whom we adore,
be glory, as it was, and is,
and shall be evermore.

Prayer of Dedication of Offering and
Prayers for the World             
(Tim Bell)

Hymn 167  Guide me, O thou great Jehovah

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary


Sunday Services: We are pleased to have Jimmy Hudson leading our worship today.
The service marks the beginning of Christian Aid week and is followed by a bread & cheese lunch in the hall in aid of Christian Aid.
All are welcome to stay for the lunch.
We are also pleased to welcome back Graeme Brownlee at the organ.

Next week, Sunday 22 May, will be the next joint service with Newhaven and South Leith congregations and will take place at Newhaven church at 10:30.

Coffee Morning:  Saturday 28 May, 10am to 12noon in the Hall. Cost £2.50 per person. There will also be a One World stall – the first for a while so remember your shopping bag!
All welcome – please come and enjoy a relaxed chat with old and new friends; members from the Newhaven and South Leith churches will also be invited.  

Leith Festival:- We are pleased to note that the Leith Festival returns this year and Leith Churches Together is holding the joint ecumenical service on Sunday 12 June at 11:30am in St Mary’s Star of the Sea church.

The possibility of organising the tea-tent at the Gala Day the day before, Saturday 11 June, is being considered. This will depend on whether there are enough volunteers. If you are able to help, please speak to Michelle Doig. 

In Zimbabwe, the climate crisis is causing aching hunger for families like Jessica’s. She shares her heartbreak: ‘My children crave a decent meal, but I can’t provide. It pains me to send them to bed hungry’. Drought has robbed Jessica of the power to provide for her children.
Please help families like Jessica’s by donating to Christian Aid this week.

Online Worship worship

8th May 2022

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Leader: John Hodge

Organist: Iain Mackinnon

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship

The world belongs to God
The earth and all its people
How good it is, how wonderful
To live together in unity
Love and faith come together
Justice and peace join hands
If Christ’s disciples keep silent
These stones would shout aloud
Open our lips O God
And our mouths shall proclaim your praise.

HYMN 15  (Psalm 23)  The Lord’s my Shepherd  (Orlington)

Prayer of Approach to God

First thoughts

HYMN 336  Christ be our Light  (Highland Cathedral)

Scripture Readings: Psalm 23 and John 10: 22-30     Reader: Jenny Martin 


HYMN 356  Meekness and majesty

Spoken Doxology   (all stand)

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
the God whom we adore,
be glory, as it was, and is,
and shall be evermore.

Prayer of Dedication of Offering

Prayers of Intercession (all sit)

HYMN 167 Guide me O thou great Jehovah

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary – Prelude in A minor.  JS Bach (1685-1750)


Sunday Services: We welcome John Hodge, Session Clerk at Newhaven church, to lead our worship today.
Next Sunday, 15 May, Jimmy Hudson will lead worship.
The service will mark the beginning of Christian Aid week and be followed by a bread & cheese lunch in the hall in aid of Christian Aid.
It would be helpful to know in advance approximately how many people are coming for the lunch. You can add your name to the sheet on the table on the way out or you can let Margot Hudson know by email.  If you make a last minute decision on the 15th May, please come along. We will be very happy to see you.

Sunday 22 May will be the next joint service, and will be at Newhaven church.

Towards Our New Parish: We have a new website which contains information about the plans for our new proposed parish of Newhaven, North Leith and South Leith. Regular Steering Group updates will be found there. Please visit it
(It can also be accessed from our North Leith website )
If you do not have internet access, a paper copy of the April update is available.

Session meeting: The Session will meet on Wednesday 11 May at 7:30pm in the Session House.

Leith Churches Together lunch time service: The next service will be on Thursday 12 May at 1pm in Pilrig St Paul’s church. All welcome. Remember to bring your own food for lunch.

Coffee Morning:  Saturday 28 May, 10am to 12noon in the Hall. Cost £2.50 per person. There will also be a One World stall – the first for a while so remember your shopping bag!
All welcome – please come and enjoy a relaxed chat with old and new friends; members from the Newhaven and South Leith churches will also be invited.  

Online Worship worship

1st May 2022

Third Sunday of Easter

Leaders: Rev. Jennifer Booth and Tim Linford

Organist: Iain Mackinnon

Jesus appears on Lake Tiberias

Welcome and Intimations

Call to Worship (from Psalm 30 – see over)

Sing praise to the LORD, O you, his faithful ones,
For his anger is but for a moment,
Weeping may linger for the night,
Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me.
My soul will praise you and not be silent

HYMN 172 Sing for God’s glorydon’t have copyright for this hymn

Prayer of Approach and the Lord’s Prayer

First thoughts

HYMN 550 As the deer pants for the water

Readings: Psalm 30 and St John’s Gospel Ch. 21: v1-19  – Annie Addison


HYMN 532 Lord, you have come to the seashoredon’t have copyright for this hymn

Spoken Doxology  

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
the God whom we adore,
be glory, as it was, and is,
and shall be evermore.

Dedication of the Offering

Prayers for the World
    Kyrie Eleison (x3)

HYMN 458 At the name of Jesus

Benediction and Threefold Amen

Closing Voluntary
: Worthy is the Lamb.  The Messiah.  GF Handel (1685-1759)

Picture: Duccio, di Buoninsegna, -1319? Jesus Appears on Lake Tiberias, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.


Services: We welcome Jennifer Booth and Tim Linford from South Leith church to lead our worship today.
Next Sunday, 8 May, John Hodge will lead our worship.

The following week, on Sunday 15 May, we will have a service to mark the beginning of Christian Aid week followed by a bread & cheese lunch in the hall in aid of Christian Aid.
Please speak to Jimmy Hudson if you can deliver CA donation (delivery only) envelopes in a part of our parish.
It would be helpful to know in advance approximately how many people are coming for the lunch. You can let Margot Hudson know at church or by email. However, if you make a last minute decision on the 15th May, please come along. We will be very happy to see you.

Towards Our New Parish: We have a new website which contains information about the plans for our new proposed parish of Newhaven, North Leith and South Leith. Regular Steering Group updates will be found there. Please visit it at
(It can also be accessed from our North Leith website )

Session meeting: The Session will meet on Wednesday 11 May at 7:30pm in the Session House.

Leith Churches Together lunch time service: The next service will be on Thursday 12 May at 1pm at Pilrig St Paul’s church. All welcome. Remember to bring your own food for lunch.

Online Worship worship

24th April 2022

Joint Communion – Newhaven, North Leith and South Leith held in South Leith Parish Church

Online Worship worship

17th April 2022

Joint Easter Morning Worship in Starbank Park

Newhaven, North Leith and South Leith

A lovely morning with old friends and new. Unfortunately there is no recording for this worship.


Sunday Services – 24th April – North Leith will be closed because we are having a joint communion service at South Leith, 11am.